5 Great Locations in Cocoa Beach, FL

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Making Use of Sea Shells!

Seashells are fun to collect at the beach and to buy at souvenir shops but what do you do with them once you get them home? We have gathered some unique craft ideas for making use of your seaside souvenirs! The ideas are endless. One of our favorite things to do with sea shells is to make a beautiful centerpiece that can be used for the coffee table or dining table. 

The centerpiece above for example, is a very simple to put together version that incorporates a tea light, assorted shells, sand, and a glass bowl. A detailed how-to can be found here!

Another simple and fun idea is to turn your sea shells into fridge magnets for all to see! All you need for this project are some clean seashells, small magnets, and a hot glue gun. These handmade magnet also make great gifts!

Other great ideas include creating seashell candles, decorating a fish tank with seashells, and making sea shell jewelry! The possibilities are endless with seashells so have fun collecting and creating! For more information on sea shell species and where to purchase click here!